Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Los colores y las perspectivas de género

It's project time in middle school, and I am learning a lot along with them. Two of my students wrote a skit for their opiniones project, which takes place in a dress shop and has a fair amount of bridezilla drama in it. They wanted to know how to say the color "eggshell" in Spanish, which took us on a detailed journey of color palettes in Spanish. I ended up learning about the name of some specific shades in Spanish.

I also found this graphic, which I am using today as a writing and discussion prompt for my 7th and 8th graders. I'm hoping it can spark some interesting discussions. As a woman who is a language teacher (not an artist or an interior designer) I don't think I could name all the shades described... in my native language or my second language!

(Thanks to the community over at Wordreference for helping me with the eggshell question, by the way!)

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